Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

March 20th, 2007 7:00 PM


Location:          Regional Office, Grand Falls-Windsor




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                                         Ms. Cynthia Fleet, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                            Dr. Barbara Palmer

Mr. John George                                                          Mr. Charlie McCormack (Recorder)

Mr. Hubert Langdon                                                     Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Dr. Greg Woolfrey                                                       Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Peter Budgell                                                         Ms. Marina Hewlett

Ms. Ann Sparkes

Mr. Robert Hannaford

Mr. Peter Gibbons

Mr. Scott Pritchett

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Newman Harris




Ms. Kim Cheeks

Ms. Audrey Whiteway


1.         Welcome


The Chair welcomed the Board Members and staff.


2.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda as circulated with the following changes/additions: 

Section 3 remove Closed Session – February 20th, 2007

15.                   NLSBA Constitution

16.                   Special Incentives – Decision required

(Brown/Hannaford).   Carried.




3.         Minutes of Meetings


            3.1       Regular Meeting February 20th, 2007


Motion:           to accept the minutes of the February 20th, 2007 meeting with the following amendments (Budgell/George).  Carried.



6.1                   Delete sentence - Any trustee who will be attending any conference in the future will be expected to provide a written report upon return from the conference.


Omission: Last paragraph on page 4 of February 20 minutes.


Mr. Noble was opposed to dealing with the issue without the Board considering the impact on its long-term restructuring plan.


Typo page 4 and page 5. (Corrected on official set of minutes)


4.         Executive Committee Report


The Minutes of the Executive Meeting of March 12, 2007 were circulated.  The following items were discussed:


Mr. George encouraged all Board members to make an effort to fill out meeting evaluation forms.


Mr. Hannaford expressed support for the need for a protocol to avoid having motions put to the floor cold.


There was discussion on the need for the Executive Minutes to be dealt with in a closed session.  They are put in Board members’ folders for information only.


Motion:           to move into a closed session.  (Brown/Langdon).  Carried.


Motion:           to come out of the closed session.  (Woolfrey/Pritchett).  Carried.


6.         Financial Report


This was carried over from the previous Board Meeting of February 20, 2007.  The Board needs acceptance of the quarterly financial statement.


Mr. Noble asked questions on overspending:

page 4 item       #12 – Building

                        #15 –

                        #16 – Pupil Transportation


Mr. Brace provided explanations on the figures, they are 100% receivables.  The pupil transportation was for the purchase of new buses.  This money will be received from Government.


Mr. Noble asked a question on General Supplies.  Mr. Brace explained how the four categories are divided for school expenditures.  As the expenditures come in from schools, they are applied to the proper area.  Mr. Noble was concerned about the areas on which schools spend their money, example, school libraries.  Ms. Fleet noted that senior management is also concerned that libraries be appropriately funded.


Mr. Noble asked about miscellaneous.  Mr. Brace explained that this represents funds from federal programs such as Service Canada and French programs.


Dr. Woolfrey asked about the numbers under Director and Assistant Director salaries.  Mr. Brace explained that the SEO positions were not reflected in the budgeted amounts.


Mr. Hannaford requested, for a future meeting, a presentation by Mr. Brace on Financial Reports.  There was general agreement for this suggestion.


Mr. Brace said he could provide the presentation if the Board requested.


Motion:           to accept the quarterly financial report.  (Langdon/Budgell).  Carried.


Mr. George suggested the Board needs a financial committee to deal with the details of financial operations of the Board.


7.         Report of Finance and Property Committee


            1.         Restructuring


                        To be addressed in the Director’s report.


            2.         Request from Town of Gander for Washrooms Related to the Soccer Fields


The Town of Gander would bear all responsibility for maintenance and upkeep.  There was a question of who owns the land where the building and soccer fields are located.  It seems the land is all owned by the school board.


Mr. Langdon suggested the financial committee prepare pros and cons of the proposal.


Ms. Fleet indicated a former legal opinion said the Board should not sell the land but enter into a user agreement with the town of Gander.


Dr. Woolfrey agreed with the point made by the Director.


Mr. Noble suggested there be clarification on the ownership of the land and the location of the building in case it interfered with any future expansion to Gander Academy.


Mrs. Fleet pointed out that the request was for approval in principle so the Town could build washrooms.


Motion:           To approve in principle the request from the Town of Gander to build a small building for change rooms and washrooms related to the Gander soccer complex. (Pritchett, Brown)  Carried


8.         Report of Communications’ Committee


            No report from committee.


9.         Musgrave Harbour (Grades 10 – 12)


            The Director referred to the last meeting report re:  transfer of students to Phoenix Academy from Gill Memorial Academy, Musgrave Harbour,  the recommendation was for students to remain at Gill Memorial Academy for the next school year and assess the population of both schools to determine the appropriate time for high school students to move to Phoenix Academy.  The plan originally was to move to Phoenix Academy by September 2007.  The current population in school does not make the move feasible. 


The Minister of Education raised the issue of moving the high school students from communities.  The District has recommended moving senior high students in three communities for programming purposes.  The Minister suggested parents only want core graduation requirements and want students to stay in their own communities.  The Director feels a discussion with parent re students staying in the school is important.


            There is not a lot of resistance for moving the 10-12 students from Lumsden. The bus ride is approximately 25-30 minutes.  There is a lot of resistance for moving the students from Musgrave Harbour to Carmanville.


The Chair noted the Minister stated there will be no pressure from government to close schools and to move students.


Concern was expressed that opposition from schools may ensue.


Discussion around class size was expressed.


Mrs. Fleet told the Board that there was not enough room in Phoenix Academy to accommodate the high school students from Musgrave Harbour at this time.


Motion:           to accept the Director’s recommendation that the high school students remain in Gill Memorial Academy, Musgrave Harbour for the 2007-08 school year.  (Pritchett/Woolfrey).  Carried.


Mr. Brown was concerned that the Board still does not know the number of teachers the Board will receive from Government.


10.       Botwood Collegiate/L. P. Purchase


The Chair referenced a letter from the School Council.  Renovations are ongoing at Botwood Collegiate.  The final renovation is for skilled trades.  The Director informed the Board that the principal of the school has submitted a proposal to utilize L. P. Purchase.  The Director brought forward the minutes from June 29th, 2006 meeting which indicated that L. P. Purchase would close.  The Director highlighted incentives money which comes about from school closures.


This year the government did not fund the Board for any operational costs for L. P. Purchase.  Shawn Brace has approached government for money for utilization of the building this year.  The operating cost of this building is over $97,000 per year.  If the Board decides not to close the building, the board will need to cover this cost.


Inclusionary Model


Special needs students utilizing another building can create the impression of exclusion.  The Director believes there is enough room in the current building to house students.  The District is moving from alternate schools to alternate settings.


Barbara Palmer explained some of the concerns expressed by schools and the District around the alternate schools.  Many schools cannot access the alternate schools because of transportation issues.  It is much preferable to apply for criteria units for the extremely challenged students.  Ms. Fleet pointed out the financial issues related to alternate schools.


Mr. Kendell, Chair, led the discussion on the Botwood Collegiate/L.P. Purchase issue.  He pointed out the minutes of the Board Meeting June 29, 2006, where L. P. Purchase was included in the request to borrow based on the special incentives.


The school council of Botwood Collegiate expressed concern about the space available in Botwood Collegiate.  Mr. Hannaford wanted to be sure there was appropriate space in Botwood Collegiate for the Student Support Services programs at Botwood Collegiate.  Barbara Palmer will visit the school and meet with the Principal to go over the space in the school which would be most appropriate for the six students in student support services.


Mr. Noble pointed out that, in the long range plan, there was consideration to use the property if there was to be a K-12 school in that area in the future.


There was a discussion on the potential future need for land around Botwood Collegiate.  The board members discussed the cost of keeping L. P. Purchase open for very few students.


Mr. Hannaford pointed out the need to move the few special needs students back into Botwood Collegiate from L. P. Purchase.


Mr. Brace pointed out that the agreement with the Pentecostal Assemblies requires the property be turned back to the church.


11.       Programs (Presentation – Public Examinations)


            Charlie McCormack gave a presentation on CRT and public  results.


12.       Director’s Report


The Director noted her report is posted on the website.  She has put in what has been completed and what is coming next.


The Management Plan is updated and we are on target.




·        Sandstone Elementary – the Director told the Board this is supposed to happen later. 

·        She also plans to visit Woodstock to sense what may be possible there.

·        She also stated that she will need to go to South Brook to meet with parents.

·        Dr. Woolfrey inquired if the tender for Exploits Valley Intermediate has been awarded.  The Director replied in the affirmative.  She noted that nothing official has been received but she had checked with the Department of Education and they informed her that Bluebird Construction has the tender.

·        Lumsden: The Director is waiting for written input from Lumsden parents.


13.       Organizational Chart


Deferred to next meeting.

14.       NLTA Liaison Committee


Mr. Noble made a verbal report on the two sets of minutes of the NLTA Liaison Committee.  (see attached).


The next meeting is scheduled for May 15, 2007.


15.       NLSBA Constitution Amendments (see attached)


Ms. Fleet provided the background to the Constitution Amendments.


Mr. Kendell had made a few grammatical change suggestions.  He indicated there were no big changes in the proposed amendments.


Motion:           The Nova Central School District ratify the proposed NLSBA Constitution changes.  (Budgell/Pritchett).  Carried.


16.       Special Incentives (see attached)


Motion:           to request permission from the Minister to apply the following 2005-06 expenditures to the balance of Special Incentive funding available for 2005-06,


Furniture & Equipment and Program Changes


Music Equipment


Parking Lot – Woodland Primary


Parking Lot – Sprucewood Academy


Parking Lot – Fitzgerald Academy


Computer Equipment & Renovations





and to apply the following 2006-07 expenditures to the balance of special Incentives funding available for 2006-07,


Leo Burke Academy


Furniture & Equipment


St. Stephen’s


CDLI Rooms


Fitness Rooms





(Woolfrey/Langdon).  Carried.




17.       Correspondence


Mr. Kendell read a letter from the Minister re community use of schools.


18.       Date of Next Meeting


The next regular board meeting will be held on April 17th, 2007, 7:00 PM at District Office, Gander.


19.       Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting 10:20 PM (Brown/Harris).  Carried




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Charlie McCormack

Chair                                                                            Recorder

